November General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at the SHBA Conference Center at 12 noon. Our speaker is Erica McCain, Executive Director of Dress for Success. Our meal at 11:30 am will be catered by Jade Events. Diane Davis will be serving chicken gumbo and seafood gumbo. LaJuana Salone of the Chocolate Pineapple will provide desserts. Our meal is still only $10, payable at the door.

Please make your reservations by contacting the office by email or by calling 318.687.7808. All are invited to attend the meeting free of charge.

NEW BOARD MEMBERS needed. If you would like to volunteer or know of someone who would make a great SHBA Board Member, please contact any current board member with your nomination. The board meets once a month on the 2nd Thursday of each month for 1 hour. We need persons who feel they can support SHBA and Southern Hills.

NOVEMBER is a very busy month. Please mark your calendars for the following events:

November 3, Thursday at noonRibbon Cutting at the new Eagle’s Nest Academy building just across from SHBA Janice Antoine will have afterschool programs for 4 year olds and up at the new Academy.

November 5, Saturday — Togetherness Worship Center, 5996 Colquitt Rd, Keithville –Grand Celebration of the New Church 10 am-3 pm–Worship Service 6-8 pm Pastor & Founder Dr. Marcus Franklin

November 8, Tuesday GO VOTE!!! It’s your right and responsibility

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November 10, Thursday at 12:15 pm SHBA Board Meeting

November 11, Friday, Veteran’s Day

November 17, Thursday 11 am–Ground Breaking for CHASEWOOD TOWNHOMES located across Baird Rd from SHBA

November 24, Thursday Thanksgiving Day

November 29, Tuesday SHBA General Meeting Lunch at 11:30 am, meeting at 12 noon

Previous October 2022 Newsletter

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